Monday, December 19, 2005

Hwaorang is teh shit

Schpatcon was pretty damn fun. Starting off with poker was alright, just far too large (especially at a long thin table like that). 5 people really is the optimal table size. I pretty much looked after the Tekken for the whole of Saturday. It was great seeing people like Robyn and Adam again, and I must organise something for my leave with them and the others. The foosball was fun, but I can't help thinking that Patrick pulled organiser's rank to snag Lucas as a teammate, ensuring him a piggybacked win. Seanbob was, sadly, atrocious in defence ;)

For the second Sunday in a row, I went to my parents and had a roast leg of lamb on the Weber, again cooked and prepared by Matthew. Again, it was quite fantastic =) Candice's band practise was cancelled for her until John can organise some piano scores, so I was invited over for... a roast leg of lamb! Hectic. Very tasty as well =) Then I went home and sat on the internet until 2am. Bad!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't forget that it wasn't just the handicap of no defense, but there were the damaged wrists from tv carrying and mush tekken. maybe we should organise another evening with different teams. i'm thinking maybe combine that with an outing with adam. i'd be interested to see how well he plays.

3:42 pm  
Blogger Patrick Schreiber said...

Also Remeber that Lucas and I have played as a team both times I've played fooseball recently, we've got something going. Also, I've beaten Lucas one on one before, he's admittedly much better than me, but my natural luck makes up for it.

I'm totally up for another fooseball thingy.

11:17 am  

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