Monday, September 05, 2005

omg teh DotA

Okay, I am a massive geek, I have decided. Less geekery in the immediate future, that is my goal. Listen to this...

Friday night I was planning to go out, but instead we ended up hanging around at my place and playing Magic until 3am or something retarded. It wasn't even all that fun, it just kept us busy. Saturday I woke up late and did my KoL turns for the day. Then I went through to Yancke's place, where we lanned for 17 hours. As the title implies, there was a lot of DotA. Okay, why are all the good DotA players whiny bitches? Unless they're winning, of course. I couldn't give a fuck, so long as I have a modicum of fun while I'm losing. I get irritated with team mates, I admit, but that is at specific points, rather than whining the whole game long about what crap heroes our team got dealt in the random shuffle. That's the beauty of random, you don't have to win every time! You can relax and just try do your best with a crap hand. Anyway, the session was pretty damn fun anyway, and I left it wasted and feeling filthy. Shower time made it all a lot better, thank the pope. I then went to lie down for a bit, since I had a braai at Al's place to go to that evening. When Colleen woke me for the braai, sadly only about 45 minutes later, I was soo confused. I think I stared at her for like a minute blankly. Red Bull is king, btw. On the way to the braai I was honestly having trouble following the conversation (but apparently managed to hide it quite well, since Colleen had no idea how close to the edge I was), but after a red bull and some Coke, I was fine. Yay caffeine! Yay sugar! Amazingly enough there was actually some boerewors and sausage at the braai, something that hasn't happened in a very long time. They're usually dominated by chicken to the almost-exclusion of everything else, and while there was a strong chicken presence, it was by no means overwhelming. There was a definite guy-girl split in the conversation that night, with the guys talking almost exclusively amongst themselves and the girls doing the same thing.

Today at work I've actually managed to get a hell of a lot done. Admittedly that is on the strength of three coffees where I usually have none, but still good stuff. This evening will be a sleep evening tho. Although I kinda feel like cooking... maybe a Woolworths butternut or somesuch. Totally had enough of meat after last night, and not nearly enough of vegetables and salad after the last... oh, month =/

Yay tax returns! The company accounting firm just asked for my MedAid and Retirement Annuity proof of payments so they can sort SARS out, so looks like I will be getting stuff back from that. *holds thumbs* On a related financial note, I'll be getting $175 for last month's running of the Kingdom of Loathing fansite on ColdFront (linked on the right). A pretty damn decent whack of cash for not a lot of effort =) Sounds like a winner to me. Just a pity that PayPal doesn't work properly in SA, since that would be the most convenient way to transfer it. I definitely want to organise getting that through to ZAR at some point, rather than having it languishing idly in a frivolous PayPal account. That every month is a car, ffs! Or rent.

And now, it is hometime. That butternut, I think, will need to be augmented some of those vegges in cheese sauce that Schpat brought along to the last roleplaying session. Yup yup.


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